Wednesday 2 April 2014

Companion planting guide from Thompson and Morgan

Companion planting is a natural way to deter pests from damaging fruit and vegetable crops and can also help with pollination. companion plant?

In the chart below Thompson and Morgan have put together “the best known partnerships in flowers, herbs and vegetables to help you improve the health of your garden plants without needing to resort to pesticides”.
Companion planting chart
Companion plant 1
Companion plant 2
How does it work
Plant Nasturtiums as a sacrificial crop. Cabbage white butterflies will lay their eggs on Nasturtium plants, keeping caterpillars away from your Brassicas.
Mint helps to deter flea beetles, which chew irregular holes in the leaves.
Calendula(English Marigold)
Calendula flowers are highly attractive to pollinating insects which will in turn pollinate your courgette flowers.
Summer savory helps to repel blackfly, a common pest of broads beans.
Sow spring onions amongst your carrots - the smell of onion deters carrot root fly. The smell of carrots also deters onion fly from onions.
The smell of leeks deters carrot root fly. The smell of carrots also helps deter leek moth from leeks.
The aromatic leaves of mint help confuse carrot root fly, who find their host through scent.
The onion scent will deter aphids.
Plant Nasturtiums as a sacrificial crop - aphids love them and this will lure them away from your runner beans/French beans.
The aromatic leaves of mint help to confuse and deter onion fly.
Mint helps to deter flea beetles, which chew irregular holes in the leaves.
The smell of garlic helps to deter aphids.
The strong scent of these herbs deters aphids and blackfly.
Sweet peas will attract pollinating insects which will in turn help to pollinate your bean flowers.
The onion scent will deter aphids.
The smell of mint deters aphids and other pests.
French Marigold(Tagetes patula)
The pungent smell of French marigolds deters whitefly.
The onion scent will deter aphids.
Basil reportedly improves tomato flavour and the strong scent of their leaves also deters aphids. A perfect partnership in the kitchen too!

For more detailed information please visit the Thompson and Morgan website here.

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