
Sunday, 31 October 2010

Friday, 22 October 2010

Confirmation of Additional Funding

We would like to thank Barrow Borough Councils Executive Committe who agreed to allocate £15,000 from the Housing Market renewal Fund to assist with the development of the arches and the north plot.

Additional details can be found on the NorthWest Evening Mail website here.

Thank you to all concerned.

Monday, 18 October 2010

"My relaxing Day at the Green Heart Den"

"My relaxing Day at the Green Heart Den" A brief video produced by Furness College creative media students Robert Plumb and Robert Trevena.

Judging the creative media students short films

Top row, left to right: Adam Thompson, Robert Trevena, Ben Collett, Becca Hunter and David Parry.
Bottom row, left to right: Furness College creative media tutor Mark Preston, our Project Coordinator Grahamn Bromley, Robert Plumb and Ben Tomlinson.
Huge thank you to Mark and all the creative media students.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Junior Warden John Muir Award acitvity

Videos taken during the most recent Central and Hindpool Junior Wardens, John Muir Award activity. Funding for the video filming was provided by Our Green Space.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Asset Transfer Unit/Hub TV visit

Carl Thompson, editor and camera operator for Hub TV and Sarah Eustace from the Asset Transfer Unit.
Sarah and Carl had returned to discuss our progress since they last visited in August and take some additional footage of the Green Heart Den for the Building Community website.

Building Community, are following our progress over the next 12 months in regard to the asset transfer of the north plot. Their website is an online showcase featuring real-time practice from partnerships comprising councils and communities that are in the process of transferring land or buildings into community asset ownership. The films are made in conjunction with the Asset Transfer Unit which is led and managed by the Development Trust Association.

It is hoped that during their next visit they could meet other members of the project and representatives of partner organisations, such as Central and Hindpool Neighbourhood Management, Junior Wardens Scheme and Streetsafe.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Favourite picture memories - part 4

Rabbits rescued from a delivery of chippings during the construction of the Green Heart Den.

The rabbits were kept warm until they were collected by the RSPCA.
The rabbits were eventually released back into the wild.

Our Neighbourhood Manager prepares to be interviewed

Central and Hindpool Neighbourhood Manager Steven Robson prepares to be interviewed by Darren Conway of Morph Films
Steve was being interviewed in regard to the history of the Junior Wardens scheme. The interview will be incorporated into the film Darren is producing about our work in partnership with the Junior Wardens. Funding for the film is provided by Our Green Space.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Junior Wardens John Muir Award Activity

Central and Hindpool Junior wardens planting violas in our large arbour planting boxes as part of their efforts in acheiving a second John Muir Discovery Level Award. Also in attendance was Amanda McCleery, chair of the the Our Green Space Project Steering Group. Amanda has taken on a new role and is gathering information on specific areas of the individual Our Greeen Space projects work that will be used in the study publications. Amanda has been impressed in the way we have worked in partnership with Central and Hindpool Junior Wardens and Furness College and in the way we have used a variety of methods to engage with a diverse range of organisations, particularly our use of social media.


Additional pictures can be viewed on on our Flickr photo gallery here

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Talk about Local - Citizens University

Talk About Local and Citizens University

Talk About Local Talk about local was born from the real world experience of helping make a neighbourhood better. They are working in partnership with UK online centres embedded in the heart of deprived or isolated areas to help people find a voice online. Our work stretches from isolated villages in fenland to urban communities regenerating themselves to citizens building bridging social capital.

Citizens University believe that every community benefits when it contains the skills needed to deal with everyday crises and pressures. We need professionals to deal with the most difficult problems. But widely spread skills can play a hugely important role in helping communities to be healthy, safe and happy.

The Citizens University has been developed as a novel way of providing citizens with the skills and confidence they need to help others. Its aim is to reduce unnecessary deaths, reduce the risk of violence, and strengthen communities’ capacity to act for themselves.

The Citizens’ University offers a opportunity to scale and continue to innovate in learning delivery. They love the concept of pop up shops for learning– we have helped people in sessions in cinema foyers, in pubs, basements, in parks, a scout hut and even McDonalds.

For other skills…developing a hyperlocal website, the Citizens’ University will provide help to existing small scale providers supporting them in formalising their training, reaching a much bigger audience and creating a network of providers across the country.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Junior Warden John Muir award update

We are currently preparing for the next John Muir Award activity for Central and Hindpool Junior Wardens.

This activity forms part of their efforts to achieve a second John Muir Discovery level award and will include planting up the large arbour planting boxes. Inspiring.

Furness College creative media students film making progress

The weather has not dampened the enthusiasm of Furness College creative media tutor Mark Preston and students who returned to complete the short video films which will be used to raise awareness of the project and for the Building Community website which is to detail our progress over the following 12 months.

Building Community is an online showcase featuring real-time practice from partnerships comprising councils and communities that are in the process of transferring land or buildings into community asset ownership. The Building Community films are made in conjunction with the Asset Transfer Unit.

Thank you to PC John Irving who helped the students during the film making session.

Please find additional pictures of the film making session here.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Favourite picture memories - part 3

As we have thousands of pictures documenting our progress and our work in partnership with others I thought it might be nice to regularly highlight some of our favourites and demonstrate the various, diverse individuals and organisations who have helped, and continue to help us make a difference.

Furness Youth Council.



Barrow 6th Form College: society, health and development students.

If you don't monitor it.........

If you don't monitor it, you can't manage it. If you can't manage it, don't do it